Friday, October 30, 2009


Just been chillin out the last few days.... stomach was nauseaus for the first few days of the week but seems to have settled. And my tongue is feeling raw on the one side. So I am definitely feeling the "other" side effects of the chemo.

To recap the week firstoff Sunday was my birthday!! I got lots of fun presents from family and friends and went and spent some of my bday $$ on craft supplies. Different than spending it all on clothes which I usually do! Mom made me a delicious dairy and gluten free lasagna that was a big hit and I ate the leftovers for 3 days. haha yummm.
Went to art therapy of Tuesday and discovered I really enjoy colouring mandala circles so I ordered a Mandala colouring book off chapters that I will meditate to by colouring and listening to M.J.! I was dancing around the house the other day while crafting listening to Don't stop to you get enough and trying to do the moonwalk. It was quite the sight but luckily nobody was home to see it! ha! I am in much better spirits this week than last which is good cuz last week I was scary depressed for a few days. The nurses told me the chemo effects would be accumulative but instead I thought your body would get more used to it and deal.

My brother Ashraf is growing a MOustache for MOvember month in New Zealand. So check out his site here:
I voted for a pencil thin creepy moustache but we both decided that "that look" wouldn't go over so well for a teacher of small children. I guess it must be in the big and bushy category!

Janan is home this weekend so she's gonna pick me up and I'm going to carve my pumpkin while she bakes delicious gluten free treats! I'm excited for Halloween tomorrow and I LOVE handing out candy. We've got the good stuff to hand out like Doritos, skittles, starburst, and chocolate! I am dressing up as Cupid which is really gonna be a big ball of pink with a bow and arrow but should be fun times and I will post pics. The accompanying wig is

Having things/events to look forward to are really keeping me positive which I need so I don't get down in the dumps. I wish my mouth felt better but it'll probably get worse first.
And have I mentioned that I LOVE halloween!?!?

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