Friday, October 16, 2009

Cycle 1 Day 18

I have decided instead of counting overall days I am counting days in the cycle.
I'm looking forward to my bday dinner with friends on Saturday at Cello...gonna get dressed up! I am pretty tired today cuz I didn't sleep too soundly. I've been trying not to take the sleeping pills if I don't have too. At around 4am I was going to take one but thought I already had and didn't want to take another but now I realize I hadn't taken anything...arghh

The Look Good Feel Better program Mel and I went to this week was great! I got a lot of fun free stuff and full size bottles not just sample size like I was expecting from brands like Cover Girl, Marcelle, Mary Kay, MAC, Avon, Dove, etc! And the makeup colours in my box of goodies actually worked with my skin tone which I also was not expecting. So overall it was a success! Mel noticed that once again I was the youngest person of the bunch by about 20 years but thats ok, it was a fun time.

Holy crap I just looked out the window and realize theres snow out there! No wonder I have the sniffles... I blasted the heat last night and its super chilly outside. When Mom called this morning asking if I had a winter jacket and that she needed hers back I was thinking whats the rush! haha I see now!

I am going to enjoy the next 3 days of physically feeling well. Too bad we kinda skipped fall and moved right into winter. How am I supposed to get out and walk with it being so cold!?!

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