Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 9 - wedNESday

So yes today is Wednesday and for some reason I can't remember how to spell Wendsday. So I will just have to pronounce it wed-nes-day.

Anywho... today was a busy day.
First went to my consultation with Dr. Glen Bell a naturopathic doctor who specializes in cancer treatments. It was a productive visit and we discussed various things I can do to maintain my health and heart during and after treatment. Then I visited the girls at work for lunch and had a salad "made with love" by Earl, the older guy who works in the employee market. It was delish as I had anticipated! Being at work made me realize how I miss being busy and feeling useful. I love my job no matter how crazy it got there and it sucks that its put on hold. BUT I must focus my strength on maintaining my health and keep stress to a minimum. After lunch I headed to a meeting with Marlene the social worker at the Cancer Clinic. We chatted about various things going on and it was a helpful meeting. We're going to meet every few weeks and basically keep track of my mental health. I am finding it easier to talk to strangers about how I am feeling probably because there is no pressure in being strong. I can babble away about whatever, which is probably why I am enjoying blogging as well! I am a quiet independent person by nature and have to make an effort not to withdraw and shut out those that are close to me especially when I am by myself the majority of the day. While I was there I signed up for the Look Good Feel Better Program next week. It's a makeup/wig/beauty help session for people undergoing chemo. Sounds good especially cuz you get free stuff and I've got Mel coming with me as my "female support person". She better take extra careful notes on eyebrow application! :)
So then after that I headed home and made a delicious lupper of chicken salad sandwich loaded with veggies on a gluten free bun with coleslaw and a cob of corn. I have been reading that your metabolism goes way up from the chemo drugs which is probably why I am feeling hungry every 2 hours. One of my new favourite snacks is grapes with mango sorbet! mmmm

Yesterday I took a trip to Wellspring, which is a center for cancer patients downtown. They have a bunch of free programs. I kinda walked in and announced to the lady that I have cancer and I wasn't sure what I was doing there. ha! But it turned out good! I had a good sit down and chat with the volunteer who was older but spunky. She told me a little bit of her history of cancer which gave me inspiration. She gave me a good perspective on using alternative therapies/supplements which I have been going back and forth on. Then she signed me up for a bunch of classes including Art Therapy, the Lebed method (which I need to figure out what it is exactly), Qi Gong, Reiki, and a peer support group. Should keep me busy between appointments! Yoga was full so I skipped that but I am now on the hunt for a yoga studio that offers a good beginners class. I want a class where I can keep up but not seniors in chairs. After doing some googling I have a couple of studios to try out. If anyone wants to come with me let me know!

So thats pretty much it for an update.... theres nothing scheduled for tomorrow. I'm feeling good... patiently waiting for my hair to fall out. Gonna start my paint by numbers artwork, take the dog for a walk, go to the bakery.... and REST!

Some Links if you're interested! -PLEASE watch this video... BAHAHAHAH It's a video on the Lebed method which I signed up for. I shouldn't laugh... but ....just watch and picture ME! HAHA Seems I may not need the classes as there is a whole series of them on youtube!! (Look Good Feel Better)


  1. Who knew about all these cancer support networks? Well done for finding all this information. I had a look at the Lebed method. and it looks like a lot of fun; I think you should give it a go and report back!

  2. Sounds like you are going to be a busy gal, but having some fun. That is awesome.
