Friday, October 30, 2009

Last minute costume ideas

If anyone needs a last minute costume idea here are some good ones I have come across:

- Gum on the bottom of a shoe (dress in pink and glue gun a shoe to a headband and wear on your head)
- Stick man (wear black and glue glow sticks to you)
- Octomom (get a long black wig and attach 8 baby dolls to you)
- Highway (dress in black and use yellow tape to make a "road" and then attach dinky cars to you)
- Facebook (write "BOOK" on your face)
- Auctioneer (dress in a suit and talk really fast and end every sentence with going once going twice, sold!)


Just been chillin out the last few days.... stomach was nauseaus for the first few days of the week but seems to have settled. And my tongue is feeling raw on the one side. So I am definitely feeling the "other" side effects of the chemo.

To recap the week firstoff Sunday was my birthday!! I got lots of fun presents from family and friends and went and spent some of my bday $$ on craft supplies. Different than spending it all on clothes which I usually do! Mom made me a delicious dairy and gluten free lasagna that was a big hit and I ate the leftovers for 3 days. haha yummm.
Went to art therapy of Tuesday and discovered I really enjoy colouring mandala circles so I ordered a Mandala colouring book off chapters that I will meditate to by colouring and listening to M.J.! I was dancing around the house the other day while crafting listening to Don't stop to you get enough and trying to do the moonwalk. It was quite the sight but luckily nobody was home to see it! ha! I am in much better spirits this week than last which is good cuz last week I was scary depressed for a few days. The nurses told me the chemo effects would be accumulative but instead I thought your body would get more used to it and deal.

My brother Ashraf is growing a MOustache for MOvember month in New Zealand. So check out his site here:
I voted for a pencil thin creepy moustache but we both decided that "that look" wouldn't go over so well for a teacher of small children. I guess it must be in the big and bushy category!

Janan is home this weekend so she's gonna pick me up and I'm going to carve my pumpkin while she bakes delicious gluten free treats! I'm excited for Halloween tomorrow and I LOVE handing out candy. We've got the good stuff to hand out like Doritos, skittles, starburst, and chocolate! I am dressing up as Cupid which is really gonna be a big ball of pink with a bow and arrow but should be fun times and I will post pics. The accompanying wig is

Having things/events to look forward to are really keeping me positive which I need so I don't get down in the dumps. I wish my mouth felt better but it'll probably get worse first.
And have I mentioned that I LOVE halloween!?!?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cycle 2 Day 3

I am so tired and groggy.... Just slept for a few hours but still feel sleepy. I HATE that feeling. Little more nauseaus today than yesterday. Probably all the meds have settled in. yuck. Dad is making me baked cassava for a snack. Overall I feel icky.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cycle 2 Day 2

Well I made it through Chemo round 2... after a few pokee, missed veins, and a nurse change yuck. Was going through hot flashes and waves of nausea about every 30 minutes last night. Took 2 sleeping pills and slept through the night and woke up around 10 when Mom showed up. Its essential that I have a snack/small meal every 2 hours to keep my stomach settled or else I get that gross nausea feeling when you are soooo hungry and you just feel sick. Gonna watch Harry Potter with Mom after Ellen and will check in later.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cycle 1 Day 21!!

Its the last day before next chemo! Aaron and I just got back from the Cancer Clinic where I had my blood test and consult with Dr. Dingle. The tumor has shrunk after just 1 chemo which gives meaning to why I am going through all of this. It was originally 4x6 cm and today it measured in at 3x4 cm which probably isn't totally accurate cuz its hard to even feel where it is now. Dr. Dingle said its better than what they were expecting, so thats exciting. After that appointment I met with the Social Worker for a quick check in.

Tomorrow is Chemo round deux. Mel and Aaron are coming with me and Mel's gonna hang out with me for the rest of the day when Aaron has to go to work.
I would estimate my head hair is 65% gone and its itchy wearing a a hat all the time because of the prickliness but its too cold to not wear one!

I have to go to the Ministry of Transportation today because I realize my license expires Sunday. I will break out one of the wigs for the picture. I'm going to relax the rest of the day and maybe have a nap and then its dinner and Lord of the Dance with Mom tonight. Woohoo! Gonna pack my chee-mo bag so I am all set for tomorrow - magazine, mints, drink, snack, hand sanitizer, scarf!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday night blues

I'm tired, emotional, and have a patchy head of hair which is depressing.

Photo shoot!


Cycle 1 Day 18

I have decided instead of counting overall days I am counting days in the cycle.
I'm looking forward to my bday dinner with friends on Saturday at Cello...gonna get dressed up! I am pretty tired today cuz I didn't sleep too soundly. I've been trying not to take the sleeping pills if I don't have too. At around 4am I was going to take one but thought I already had and didn't want to take another but now I realize I hadn't taken anything...arghh

The Look Good Feel Better program Mel and I went to this week was great! I got a lot of fun free stuff and full size bottles not just sample size like I was expecting from brands like Cover Girl, Marcelle, Mary Kay, MAC, Avon, Dove, etc! And the makeup colours in my box of goodies actually worked with my skin tone which I also was not expecting. So overall it was a success! Mel noticed that once again I was the youngest person of the bunch by about 20 years but thats ok, it was a fun time.

Holy crap I just looked out the window and realize theres snow out there! No wonder I have the sniffles... I blasted the heat last night and its super chilly outside. When Mom called this morning asking if I had a winter jacket and that she needed hers back I was thinking whats the rush! haha I see now!

I am going to enjoy the next 3 days of physically feeling well. Too bad we kinda skipped fall and moved right into winter. How am I supposed to get out and walk with it being so cold!?!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I am a cancer patient.

Yesterday I woke up feeling like myself just that I have cancer. Today I woke up feeling like I am a cancer patient. What happened in between? The hair on my head started coming out several strands at a time as I ran my fingers through my hair. Then I kept doing it to really make sure it was coming out and not just a fluke that there were 15 strands of hair in my palm. It's no fluke its coming out... some spots more than others but I'm not about to wait around and find out where I'm gonna be bald first. Diane was going to give me a buzz but I don't think I can wait til tonight cuz she's at work. I may head to first choice around the corner. I doubt they could screw up a shaved head BUT it is first choice haha. I didn't sleep much last night because I kept thinking that when I wake up I would find big chunks of hair on my pillow and bald patches on my head...this was not the case but my head is still ultra sensitive when the hair is moved different directions. It just wasn't comfortable to sleep.

Along with the hair, my nails are brittle and my skin seems drier than normal. This could be because of the weather but its these changes that make you feel like a cancer patient. The medicine they are giving me attacks all rapidly dividing cells (ie cancer, hair, stomach lining, nails, etc) and can't tell the difference. Its scary to think of the changes and stress your body will go through during this process. I think the tumour has shrunk a little bit since the first treatment which is a good sign! I'm not really looking forward to next weeks chemo but I want to keep moving with the process cuz then it will be over sooner.

Mel and I are going to the Look Good Feel Better program tonight at the Cancer Clinic. I think today is a good day for a self esteem boost. Free stuff here I come.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mayday Mayday!

What do you do at 9pm on a Tuesday night when you realize the hair on your head is falling out!? Go to the variety store in your pj's and get a grape slurpee and a bag of chips and email your friend for a buzz cut tomorrow. Makes sense perfect sense right!?

Photo shoot!

Art therapy went great today. I really enjoyed it and will go back to try it out again. I got 2 of my hats that I ordered from Etsy today. Both are very cute and soft and will keep my noggin warm as the weather gets colder. I also received a super cool gift from my friend Daun today. Its the glass art in the pic. Its done by Artist Kim McKellar ( It's extremely beautiful and was a super duper surprise - so thank you very much! I checked out her blog and her work is amazing. There is a larger version on for auction at the Braz for a Cause this Friday at the Western Fair ( Seems as though tickets are sold out to the event but I will check it out next year.

Goooood Morning - Day 15

Good Morning all!
I hope everyone had a great turkey weekend. I did! I am feeling good except for getting exhausted really easily. But the nausea and headaches have gone away. YIPPEE!

Saturday we went apple picking at Apple Land. Won't be going back there ever! They charged $3 per person just to get on the farm plus the cost of a 10 or 20 lb bag for the apples. There was no extra charge last year so it seems like a money grab. BUT we had a nice time walking around and getting some fresh air. Then we went to Under the the Volcano for dinner with the fam and ate yummy chips and guacamole. No tacos - but the salad was good! After that we headed to Amber and Amanda's bday party. I won the game woohoo and got a Cheetah Girls barbie!
On Sunday I realized I had pushed myself a little too much on Saturday cuz I was super tired. We went to my Grandpa's house for turkey dinner and my mom had even made stuffing from gluten free bread! yummm. I got to see cousins and Aunts and Uncles for the first time since being diagnosed. I left feeling exhausted but it was a great afternoon and I am glad that most of the family could be there.
Yesterday Teresa and I went to see Couples Retreat which was pretty funny and then I went to Mom and Dad's for dinner. So the fridge is stocked with a ton of leftovers from the weekend which is exciting!

Today I am going to art therapy which is a bit intimidating because I am not sure what to expect... but I am going to give it a try and see how it goes. I told Mom and Dad they may have some artwork for the fridge after I'm done.
Theres one week left til the next chemo so I am just trying to relax and destress this week in preparation. I am starting to lose some body hair and my scalp has been ultra sensitive. I bet I will lose my hair all of a sudden after next chemo. I am prepared for it... but I thought it would happen sooner. This whole thing is a mental game... and I am working through things one day at a time.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 9 - wedNESday

So yes today is Wednesday and for some reason I can't remember how to spell Wendsday. So I will just have to pronounce it wed-nes-day.

Anywho... today was a busy day.
First went to my consultation with Dr. Glen Bell a naturopathic doctor who specializes in cancer treatments. It was a productive visit and we discussed various things I can do to maintain my health and heart during and after treatment. Then I visited the girls at work for lunch and had a salad "made with love" by Earl, the older guy who works in the employee market. It was delish as I had anticipated! Being at work made me realize how I miss being busy and feeling useful. I love my job no matter how crazy it got there and it sucks that its put on hold. BUT I must focus my strength on maintaining my health and keep stress to a minimum. After lunch I headed to a meeting with Marlene the social worker at the Cancer Clinic. We chatted about various things going on and it was a helpful meeting. We're going to meet every few weeks and basically keep track of my mental health. I am finding it easier to talk to strangers about how I am feeling probably because there is no pressure in being strong. I can babble away about whatever, which is probably why I am enjoying blogging as well! I am a quiet independent person by nature and have to make an effort not to withdraw and shut out those that are close to me especially when I am by myself the majority of the day. While I was there I signed up for the Look Good Feel Better Program next week. It's a makeup/wig/beauty help session for people undergoing chemo. Sounds good especially cuz you get free stuff and I've got Mel coming with me as my "female support person". She better take extra careful notes on eyebrow application! :)
So then after that I headed home and made a delicious lupper of chicken salad sandwich loaded with veggies on a gluten free bun with coleslaw and a cob of corn. I have been reading that your metabolism goes way up from the chemo drugs which is probably why I am feeling hungry every 2 hours. One of my new favourite snacks is grapes with mango sorbet! mmmm

Yesterday I took a trip to Wellspring, which is a center for cancer patients downtown. They have a bunch of free programs. I kinda walked in and announced to the lady that I have cancer and I wasn't sure what I was doing there. ha! But it turned out good! I had a good sit down and chat with the volunteer who was older but spunky. She told me a little bit of her history of cancer which gave me inspiration. She gave me a good perspective on using alternative therapies/supplements which I have been going back and forth on. Then she signed me up for a bunch of classes including Art Therapy, the Lebed method (which I need to figure out what it is exactly), Qi Gong, Reiki, and a peer support group. Should keep me busy between appointments! Yoga was full so I skipped that but I am now on the hunt for a yoga studio that offers a good beginners class. I want a class where I can keep up but not seniors in chairs. After doing some googling I have a couple of studios to try out. If anyone wants to come with me let me know!

So thats pretty much it for an update.... theres nothing scheduled for tomorrow. I'm feeling good... patiently waiting for my hair to fall out. Gonna start my paint by numbers artwork, take the dog for a walk, go to the bakery.... and REST!

Some Links if you're interested! -PLEASE watch this video... BAHAHAHAH It's a video on the Lebed method which I signed up for. I shouldn't laugh... but ....just watch and picture ME! HAHA Seems I may not need the classes as there is a whole series of them on youtube!! (Look Good Feel Better)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Pics from the run!

Mondays are Fundays

Its noon and today I've already ....had breakfast, watched tv, surfed the net, and just had lunch! Very productive!

I have decided to go and get an eyebrow wax this afternoon. Contradictory I know... but I quite enjoy getting my eyebrows done and they haven't started to fall out YET so I might as well keep them groomed. I can't stand the bushy disarray they are in now. I know Melissa from work will understand this wholeheartedly...AND while I am there I will explain the situation to the girl I normally see and hopefully she won't be freaked out and will be able to see me on a regular basis to keep them looking normal and filled in. So thats the plan for today. I feel MUCH better than yesterday... !

Also gonna work on my Halloween costume over the next few weeks. Our neighbours go hog wild decorating so we at least do a pumpkin and hand out candy. My costume is kind of a secret for now....but its gonna be "sweet"! teehee

Still takin er easy... don't want to get burnt out from doing close to nothing!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday ohh Sunday

Today: cold, more like FREEZING.
Went to the CIBC Run for the Cure this morning and want to say thanks to everyone for participating and bringing awareness to breast cancer. I got to see my Mom, the girls from work, and friends! I don't think I should have been out for that long though cuz I got a bad chill and took me about 4 hours to feel warm again.

I feel like crap today in general. Was a little nauseaus this morning and it hasnt gotten any better since being home for the afternoon. I hate napping and have felt groggy and sluggish all afternoon. It sucks.

Being at the race today reminded that when I am healthy again to remember today and not take my health for granted. I wish it was me walking with my friends and family as opposed to sitting on the sideline watching being tired and grumpy. Having your health is super precious and I miss it more than anything. Being able to just go to sleep without a sleeping aid or getting out of bed feeling rested and ready to take on a full day of tasks would be awesome. But I am only just beginning this journey and am glad I don't feel worse....but its draining to feel like this.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 5

Its Saturrdaaaay! So onto day 5 and feeling pretty ok. Have a TINY sore throat this morning which could be attributed to a multitude of things including turning the furnace on for the first time this season - its freeeezing!

I'm done my first round of meds and just have the emergency nausea ones if I need them. So far so good. I need to go get some groceries and will probably do that fairly soon so its not packed.

Not sure what the plan will be for the rest of the day... probably take it easy and rest. Its too wet and yucky to go outside. Hopefully it warms up for tomorrow's run!

The one thing I was not prepared for was the blurriness in my eyes. It's totally caught me off guard. I am finding it hard to focus on stuff. Poor Tree came and visited me last night and I was staring at the top of her head cuz it was the easiest thing to focus on. I called the hospital nurse and she told me that I should be fine as long as I'm not bumping into things... riiiight. So I will just go with it and hope this side effect goes away very shortly.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 3

Not too sure how I feel today. Bored and restless...but nauseas if I am up on my feet too long. I kinda feel like ripping my hair out just to get that part over with. Mom bought me a couple of cute hats I picked out on Etsy to keep my noggin warm once it gets cold. Mom and Dad have been awesome but I want to go home soon. Sucks that Aaron took this week off work to take care of me only to be sick. But such is life. I'm looking forward to Janan coming home tonight as I'm sure she can entertain me.