Monday, September 14, 2009

Well here it is... I am officially a blogger.

I am officially a blogger! This blog will be about my story, how I'm feeling, whats going on, and just in general about ME!

So to recap the past month here goes:
- Discovered large lump in left breast mid August
- Immediately made Dr. appointment who referred me to an ultrasound at St. Joe's. No Sweat! I have been there many times before monitoring a lump on the right side.
- August 28/09 go for ultrasound which turned into 4 core biopsies the same day and a referral for an MRI. Again mehhh they are just taking precautions... and the Dr's are being extra thorough... SWEET!
- Sept 3/09 go in for MRI and realize that MRI's are usually a 4-6 week wait. hmmmm. After the MRI head to a mammogram. By this time I am thinking something may be wrong, maybe I will need surgery just to be on the safe side, maybe its cancer but really what are the chances. Same day head to family Dr. for the results of the biopsy where I am told both bioposies on the left side came back positive for cancer and the biopsies from the right side were not. HOLY SHIT... I have serioulsy....ok I have cancer?!? I half listned to the rest of the conversation with the Dr. so thank goodness Aaron was with me. Seriously.. thank you Aaron.

Fast forward 1 week of waiting, lack of sleep, boredom, anxiety,... you name it, I felt it... to Sept 10/09 where I met with the Surgeon and we reviewed the results from the MRI. She informed me I have Locally Advanced Breast Cancer (LABC) which only accounts for 5-10% of breast cancers. Not the easiest to treat but not the worst.

I have agreed to be part of a study for LABC patients where they combine chemo and radiation at the same time. I thought well since this cancer has decided to be aggressive, I sure as hell am going to be! Since then I have been waiting for tests... The plan is chemo & radiation first agressively for 6 months followed by surgery.

The plan for this week... WAITING for phone calls from an extremely helpful nurse.
- MUGA scan booked for Wednesday
- Meeting with study Dr. and Oncologist Thursday
Should have 1-2 more tests between now and Wednesday.

Well thats the jist of the details...hoping to get more info on Thursday and lets get this thing effing started.

Ps Thanks to Aaron, Mom, Dad, Janan, & Ashraf during those first few weeks.... you guys kept me focused and grounded. mucho appreciation.

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