Sunday, September 27, 2009

Adios Ttttttttoronto!

Heading home after spening a weekend with the lil sis! It was a good visit and for the most part I felt like a somewhat normal person touring around the But I found myself just getting super tired by mid afternoon and it was frustrating cuz I wanted to galavant all around town...but my body was just like theres not enough energy.

After spending the last year talking about how we want to go to the Science Centre, that was Aaron and my plan for yesterday afternoon. So we head out there at around 1pm. Theres a gigantic line to get in the parking lot... but we figure that its Saturday and just busy. We head inside and area greeted by a lady handing us our free tickets. I was like huh free tickets?! Well I guess just our luck we decided to go on the Science Centre's birthday and it was free admission. IT WAS PACKED... we tried to walk around for 15 minutes and then decided to leave. You couldnt look at anything without there being a kid screaming like a wild banshee running around us. All food items were .69 which was the cost when the Science centre opened. It was like every parent was in this food lineup while their kids were let loose to run around. Aaron and I were like no thanks! So we left. What a bummer. We ended up just driving around and ended up seeing Greek town, little Italy, Korea town, and China town.

We stopped for a few minutes at Janan's place and then went for a walk down Yonge St. towards the Eaton centre. About 10 minutes into the walk I felt really miserable... it was too crowded, half raining and tired. We went into the Winners on College St. which is huge and normally I would be in my glory but it was too crowded and I felt claustrophobic and overheated. Janan met us there and we left and went walking back in the direction to Janan's place. I had been googling Mexican restuarants for 2 days and on our walk we ended up seeing a place. Its called Cucino Lucera south of Young and Welleselley. It totally hit the spot and I was excited to get my tacos. They weren't crunchy tacos but boy was it good! Fresh homemade corn tortillas and guacamole...mmmmm So now we have a mexican hookup within walking distance from Janan's place.

There's also this store called Noah's across from Janan's place and I was able to score some vegan (no egg no dairy) gluten free german chocolate cake and some rice parmesan cheese. yummm. I will have to put in an oder for Janan next time she comes home ha!

Throw in some shopping and all in all it was a good getaway. Just frustrated at how quickly I was exhausted and literally ready for bed by 8pm (7pm yesterday!!) Poor Aaron... I know he wanted to hit the town.

I ended up with this kit from Sephora for brows. I am gonna practice a bit at home...

I'm getting anxious about starting treatment this week but thats still 2 days away and I can't let my nerves get the best of me. Heading out for brekkie soon cuz I'm STARVING... !!

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