Thursday, September 24, 2009

I am starting to get the feeling back in my arms....

Just got home from the last of the tests...the MIBI. This was by far the WORST test. FIRST they want to give you an injection in your foot... ughhh ick omg I get the heeby jeebys thinking about it. I was dreading it all week but told myself to suck it up and it will be 2 minutes of horror. Well instead of tying that rubber band on your upper arm, they tie it on your ankle so then after 30 seconds you can feel your foot throbbing then its PAIN as they try to jab you in a vein in your foot. It didn't go over so well and she ended up giving me the injection in my arm. So lesson learned... you never HAVE to have an injection in your foot... don't do it.

The MIBI test consisted was physically and mentally trying because u have to lay face down with your arms above your heard except theres nothing supporting your chest so its wreaking havoc on your spine and shoulders and upper arms. I had to stay perfectly still for 25 min, then 3 intervals of 5 minutes. THEN I had to come back in 2 hours and do it all over again. BRUTAL. Needless to say I booked a 30 min massage therapy session for 3:15.

Aaron and I are going to go visit Janan and Rubina tomorrow. I'm pretty excited and gonna go to Sephora to check out eyebrow stencils. I'm sure Aaron will want to make a trip to the Billabong store which is fine cuz he deserves it.

Melinda and I went on a hard shell taco hunt in London 2 weekends ago with not much success (Taco Bell does not apply). So I've got Janan on the hunt in Toronto to find me hard shell tacos AND a gluten free pasta restaurant.

Stress is building so I am glad to get away for a few days. A walk around Toronto should clear my head a bit. AND I am excited for vegan german chocolate cake.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! That sounds like a gruelling test, but you conquered that too.

    Have fun in Toronto and hope you find your hard tacos. Who knew tacos would be so "hard" to find:)
