Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A productive day so far!

CT scan was a strange experience. Upon arrivng had to drink 2 litres of what tasted like bad well water at room temperature. Some sort of concoction for the test. This was yucky at 8am...Then for the test the injection was warm and I was told you would feel like you peed your pants. Which I did.... I asked the technologist to please check and assure me that in fact I had not peed all over the CT table. After a quick check I was good to go.

Dad and I then met with Dr. Dingle the Oncologist. A good meeting and I'm confirmed to start chemo next Tuesday and not like this Thursday like I was mentally preparing myself for. I discussed natural supplements/herbs etc with the doc and he has requested that I do not take any natural supplements until after chemo...not sure how I feel about this as I had been having good talks with Dr. Shaw my naturopath about what I can do to help with the side effects of chemo. I will have to ponder this some more and have another app. on Friday with the naturopath.

The last test today is the bone scan. I had to go in at 11:30 and was given a radioactive injection and have to go back at 3:30 for the acutal test. So Mom, Dad, and I had a yummy soup and salad lunch at Williams before Mom and I headed back to the house for R&R.

I am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning (probably til 8am! ha!). I'm pondering the idea of heading to Toronto for the weekend as I don't start chemo til next week and Aaron has Friday off.


  1. Yes come to Toronto!!!!! That would very exciting and we can do whatever you want. Including more vegan german chocolate cake!

  2. Hey,26fCanadianandbtwihavecancer~ AKA my niece in law........ I have some great connections with alternative medicine men!!! Shiatsu,acupuncture etc.....something to ponder to help with relaxation and preparation, and he is family..let me know and I can hook you up....lol (not that way, so don't get excited....lol ) it's Fernando's brother....



  3. I vote Toronto ... :) CHOCOLATE LOFT!~~

    hey---im wondering if the oncologist doesnt want you to take supplements b/c of the study??

    I am glad you are seeing your naturopath on Friday... I think the supplements are a great idea...

    And- i get shiatsu done...totally recommend it ...its relaxing.....

    ok...talk to you soon
    love Rubina
