Thursday, November 5, 2009


So I never really planned on getting a tattoo ever but I NEVER thought my first one(s) would be 6 pinhead size dots on my chest. Yes thats right I am now tattooed. To explain further I had my radiation planning appointment this morning. They basically "tattoo" you with these dots so they can line you up with the machine quickly each day and in the same position. Sooo my thought is with todays technology you think something better would be invented like a semi permanent ink!? Sheesh. Anywho it only hurt for a second and felt more like a prison tattoo cuz they used a needley type thing. I should have at least been able to pick out the colour haha. Then after I was told they use magic marker each day to draw a few lines to where each dot is. Lol why didnt they just tattoo the arrows on me too!? Ahhh anyways it wasn't a bad experience just seems a little silly. My first radiation appointment is November 30 and will be every weekday for 6 weeks. Fun times.....
During the appointment I was asked to be part of another study in which you would have to go through the radiation "appointment" a second time but with only a fraction of the radiation... I guess the gist is to measure breathing and heart rate during the appointment to better customize radiation therapy in the future. I declined this study as I am already going to be doing extra tests for the initial study I am part of and I really don't want to be at the Cancer Clinic twice as long each day... even if it would only be for 15 minutes extra. I love how they just spring these studies on you... "oh by the way theres this other study we would like you to participate in... ".... maybe if I had more time to think about it!

Afterwards I went to Cold Springs and had lunch with my work buddies. I was treated to a salad made with love and it was as tasty as I had expected. It was fun to catch up with the ladies but it also made me think of how I miss a daily routine... even if it is work! haha Even though I am going to be going to radiation on a daily basis soon the times will be different everyday.. so its more of a nuisance than a routine.

I didn't sleep that well last night so I am pretty tired right about now but Survivor is on which I have been looking forward to all week. I'm going for RMT tomorrow morning and will spend the rest of the day doing nothing .... I want to get out and do things but each time I see something cough or sneeze and not cover their mouth I cringe. Erghh yuck. Can't afford to get sick especially with the next round of chemo next week.

Back to my appointment this morning, I harassed the technologist ladies to tell me if they could see a lump during the CT scan they just took. They were hesitant to say anything cuz they didnt have the rest of my file to compare anything to but they said that I had noticeable dense breast tissue on the left side which matched the right side but that there was no identifiable mass on the left side they could see. I'm trying not to get too excited but thats EXCELLENT! I guess main purpose of radiation is to target my lymph nodes and extinguish any pesky single cells hiding. I'm going to harass Dr. Dingle on Monday and make him tell me what all this means and how my progress is in comparison to the norm. All I can really say at this point to summarize how I am feeling is EFF OFF AND DIE CANCER cuz I want my life back!

1 comment:

  1. Sam you sound pretty fed up with everything. But honestly, you seem to be doing heaps!!! Sometimes, I'm exhausted just reading about everything you do in a day!

    How was your mac n cheese?
