Monday, November 23, 2009

Start of the week!

Just went for a 30 minute walk with Jax which is more exercise than I have gotten in a while. Figure better to stay active when I feel good! Going to get the PIC line put in at noon - I am not thrilled about this.

I would like to say I miss my hair (and I do sometimes) but its nice to be able to get ready for appointments in 10 minutes. hahaha especially on those days when I wouldn't have had the energy to bother. BUT I am thankful for eyebrows and lashes!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Samira -
    A friend of mine sent me the link to your blog, and I've read the last few; I'll catch up on the older ones too!
    I'm 35, and was diagnosed with breast cancer back in June... I know how you feel about being a younger person going through treatment!
    I'm in chemo as well, and my head looks like a late dandelion, lol - I've got a wig but tend to run around bald most of the time because it's so comfy :)
    I go in for round 5 of 8 next Tuesday, to be followed by surgery (lumpectomy) and then radiation.
    You sound like you've got the right attitude, and like me, are out to kick cancer's ass!
    I'll keep reading - ttys
