Saturday, November 7, 2009


Today is a hard day - its my bestie Melindas birthday. I've been pretty good at staying in control of my social activities - doing what I want, when I want, remaining comfortable in my surroundings. But this morning I woke up with an anxious feeling of seeing people I havn't seen since being diagnosed, not knowing what to talk about, being the elephant in the room. Just feel nervous in general. But I will go and have the best time I can - no expectations. I'm used to being a bit of a social butterfly so these new situations are hard for me. I'm no longer a 20 something year old ignorant to everything around me. In the last post I said I wanted my life back, and well I do but I won't ever be the same so I have to create a new life balanced with health and happiness - the old me plus the new me I want to be. A lot of soul searching has been going on the past month or so...

But onto the exciting news of the day... 27 years ago Melinda Rice was born!
Without sounding too sappy, Melinda's a very special person in my life. We went to the same high school and were acquaintances through Amberley but didn't become friends until after high school when Mel called me randomly and asked if I wanted to hang out. Since then the rest is history! Whether she intends to or not, you're always guaranteed to have a good laugh when Mel's around! haha Mel's very opinionated and will let you know it for instance that she LOVES the band Nickelback as well as The Tragically Hip. She just may challenge you to a danceoff but be sure to bring your helmet as things may get a little crazy. Mel and I have been through many antics over the years including garbage picking to win BSB tickets, dressing up for Halloween in matching gangsta costumes, obsessing over MAC makeup, having dance offs in the car, going on trips to Niagara Falls, sitting in the back of a police car - haha don't worry it was when my windshield got smashed in and we were just catching a ride. I know the past few months have been hard on her just like its been hard on everyone in my life but I want to thank her for being there for me and not trying to understand but support me instead. Cheers to my Squishy and the best birthday year ever!

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