Monday, January 25, 2010

Hey Everyone! so tomorrow is my second last chemo. I'm feeling ok today just tired and a little cold and sniffly. My body is soooo worn out. Was fighting off some sort of bug over the weekend but it seems to be going away....just in time for chemo to take another stab at my immune system. BUT whats keeping me going is knowing that in ONE week it will be my LAST chemo. omg omg. It's gonna for sure take some time to recover. I have NEVER felt this rundown, tired, and shitty even with the worst cold/flu/anything else really. The burn on my neck is slowly healing but its still pretty raw because the chemo is slowing down the skin rejuvenation. Cmonnnn baby. I just want to feel like a whole person again. And a new side effect this week thats come to fruition is my eyes won't stop watering. I'm thinking maybe its cuz its been a few days since I cried last so all the tears are pent up. haha
I've been dreaming of nachos.... or pizza.... SOMETHING.... Mom's been making me food like stew and spaghetti but I just don't know what to eat. .... I have no taste for salt or sugar so maybe some canned tuna would taste ok? I'm trying to drink more water to stay hydrated but basically water has the texture as if you were taking a big drink from a slimy fish tank. UGHHH. lol lets just say its a weird feeling and yucky to boot. But as with the food issue I am trying to suck it up for a few more weeks and just get stuff down. I am tempted to say screw it and order pizza for dinner cuz I like the texture and I just want to feel full. decisions decisions....

Not too much else to update.... cuz I have been doing didley squat the last few weeks just watching tv, resting, and going to appointments.


  1. Hey Sam...

    I've been following your blog and getting updates from your mum. I just wanted to say "yeah" for being near the end of the chemo! You're a pretty amazing young woman and have faced this challenge with spirit, determination and a great outlook...pretty inspiring!

    I hope your taste buds bounce back soon so you can enjoy those nachos!

    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


  2. Hey Samira - Congratulations on nearing the end of chemo!! I finished mine 2 weeks ago, but it's a slow road back to "normal". Gearing up for surgery on Feb 19th - eeek!
    I hear you on the water situation. I broke down and started using Crystal Light, and Tang, just so there was a 1/2 decent taste...
    My eyes are also very watery - not sure why that happens, but I carry Kleenex EVERYWHERE, and strangers probably think I am very sad person, lol
    Hang in there, the worst is almost over :D

  3. Almost there sister!!! You are doing great. Can't wait to be in Disney with you in a few weeks and have a much needed break. I MISS YOU (but I will be home this weekend ! :) )
