Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So yesterday was my last chemo. HOLY HALLELUJUAH. Monday night I was super stressed and it was a task just to try to keep it together. I was scared, excited, and nervous. I was thinking WHAT if something goes wrong, WHAT if this isn't the last chemo I will have to do. Well I can cross the what if something goes wrong off the list cuz it went fine. And I think I have to deal with the fact that indeed there may be more chemo down the road at any point but I have to celebrate the fact that the chemo that started wayyyy back on Sept 29/09 has now come to an end. I feel pretty positive today and I am hoping to keep it that way over the next few days. I have mentally gone into recovery mode even though I have to deal with another 5-6 days or so of strong side effects.

Sooo you may be wondering what the next steps are. ME TOO! ha. basically now that radiation and chemo are done I will have some more tests and follow ups over the next month. I am scheduled for a left mastectomy on March 5. After that routine bone scans to make sure that cancer is all gone. I am basically waiting for someone to say the chemo worked and I am all clear but I think I will have to wait until surgery is complete for that verdict.

Soooo in the meantime I am going to try to enjoy the few weeks I have before surgery and get out and do some stuff. And then recoop from surgery and again try to get out and do more. I hope I am not getting toooo ahead of myself but it feels great to have some control back to your life. Just need to start small.

Oh and I almost forgot to mention the best part!!!! The cursed PIC line came out yesterday. Now I just have a bandaid on my arm and it feels great!! Now I can fit long sleeve shirts over my arm and I can bend it and have a proper shower without using a freezer bag. Ahhhhh yesssssssss.


  1. Hi Sam, I'm sooooo happy for you to have finished this part of your journey. Will be thinking of you and praying for you as you start the next chapter. Have fun in Disneyland!!! XXOO
